WANT_GNOME Causes Automatic Dependencies

Jeremy Messenger mezz.freebsd at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 11:28:15 UTC 2012

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:20 PM, A.J. Kehoe IV (Nanoman)
<nanoman at nanoman.ca> wrote:
> Does anyone maintain a dependencies map for GNOME?

Not that I know of. Speaking of dependencies... Since the GNOME 2 is
dead already. I think it's good time for us to remove the GNOME 2
dependencies option in some of ports. For example, editors/vim has
GNOME2 option so remove that part.

> I'm thinking of
> something like this, but parsable, legible, and current:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~adamw/gnome_kde_deps/gnome2-lite.png
> It would also need to indicate how optional components fit together.
> [...]
>>> I'm not fond of my misc/gnome-components method either, so any
>>> alternative
>>> ideas are very welcome.  All I've done thus far is created a Makefile
>>> with
>>> an OPTIONS list for the 97 components from bsd.gnome.mk.
>>> What do you suggest for a real fix/clean?  Based on your response, the
>>> ideal
>>> fix has at least two attributes:
>>> 1. No automatic dependencies.
>>> 2. An option to disable specific components.
>> I meant by remove the HAVE_GNOME from port Makefile then switch to either:
>> 1) automatic dependency by using exists() or
>> 2) OPTIONS if the port's configure provides flag to disable.
>> It is unnecessary to make it complicates with gnome-components when
>> the standard solution available in our ports tree. As for the #1, yes,
>> it has to be there because a few configure files do that without
>> option to disable (blame it on upstream).
> I'm not opposed to writing patches that will make the WANT_GNOME ports
> declare their dependencies predictably.  There are approximately 183 ports
> using WANT_GNOME, so writing these patches is going to take me several days,
> followed by weeks of waiting for maintainer updates.  I might be able to get
> through this faster by asking the maintainers to assist me, but I expect to
> have to do most on my own.
> I'm absolutely willing to abort my misc/gnome-components plan in favour of a
> better idea.  If writing patches for roughly 183 ports is considered a
> better idea, then this is what I will do instead.

Who said that you have to do it alone? :-) If you want to do it as
soon as possible. You can gather a team to hunt down those ports then
give a big patch to portmgr to do the test in pointyhat-exp. When
everything is perfect then commit it into ports tree with portmgr's
approval without need to ask each maintainers. You have my support and
approval to mess around with gnome@ ports. Show portmgr about this
email threads.

If you can wait then I (and maybe kwm) will be able to help you with
it. We have enough stuff on our plates right now by trying to push
GNOME 3 into ports tree after the 9.1 released.

FreeBSD GNOME Team only have two active people, kwm and me, that are
maintaining about over 460 ports (plus GNOME 3 and MATE ports that are
yet to commit). We need new blood to join gnome at .

> It is indeed a problem when a port doesn't respect configure arguments to
> enable or disable optional features, but exists() causes automatic
> dependencies.  Fortunately, there are two solutions:
> A. Convince the upstream source that they need to fix this at their end.
> Sending them a patch is the best way.

It's very low chance for GNOME 2 stuff as a lot of GNOME 2 apps are no
longer maintain by upstream.

> B. Write a patch that fixes this within the FreeBSD Ports Collection.  Such
> a patch may require upkeep by the port maintainer.

I don't have any of problem if anyone want to patch it. As for me, I
just don't use exists() and add dependency by default without provide
option. I know I am lazy. ;-)


mezz.freebsd at gmail.com - mezz at FreeBSD.org
http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/ - gnome at FreeBSD.org

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