WANT_GNOME Causes Automatic Dependencies

A.J. Kehoe IV (Nanoman) nanoman at nanoman.ca
Thu Aug 30 18:23:00 UTC 2012

WANT_GNOME causes automatic dependencies.  This causes problems for port and package management, as described in the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook on the "Dependencies" page under "Problems Caused by Automatic Dependencies":


To solve this problem, I'm creating a new port called misc/gnome-components.  This "meta-port" will define all the optional dependencies from Mk/bsd.gnome.mk as OPTIONS.  In Mk/bsd.gnome.mk, the whole automatic dependencies section will be replaced with one line:

RUN_DEPENDS+=	gnome-components:${PORTSDIR}/misc/gnome-components

I hope to have this finished by tomorrow (2012-08-31).  If anyone has any suggestions or alternative solutions, I'm very interested to hear what you have to say.

A.J. Kehoe IV (Nanoman)     |  /"\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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