GTK Bug #561583 and FreeBSD Ports

Steve Polyack spolyack at
Mon Feb 23 06:43:33 PST 2009

The bug detailed in GTK bugzilla #561683 
( has been fixed in the 
latest SVN copies of GTK.  However, this change has understandably not 
been pulled down into previous versions.  Since it is unknown how long 
it may be until the next GTK release, and more importantly, the next GTK 
release in FreeBSD Ports, I recommend that we patch the behavior in GTK 
2.14.7.  I have attached a patch which may be included in 
/usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20/files to automatically patch GTK and 
correct this behavior.

This is important because the new version of GTK breaks desktop usage 
for anyone who uses XRandR to manage multiple displays.  This includes 
several of my colleagues at work, who have been using a backdated ports 
tree until I was able to track down the bug and create a patch.  Please 
let me know what you think about including this patch in the ports tree.

Thank you.


Steve Polyack
Junior Systems Engineer

Collaborative Fusion, Inc.
spolyack at
412-422-3463 x4026

5849 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

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