Nautilus-terminal-extension restart festival

Dave Hayes dave at
Wed Apr 15 21:44:51 UTC 2009

Found it. Google led me to:

Turns out when show desktop is off, nautilus continually restarts.
There's a workaround suggested in that report, the file relative
to FreeBSD's ports gnome install is:


After commenting out the line in that file that looks like


the problem went "away" (for some arbitrary value of "away", which
due to the complexity of GNOME I cannot verify) for me. I have 
no desktop icons (which is what I want) and nautilus doesn't restart
every second anymore, and for now that's awesome. :)

So...what have I broken by doing this? 
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at 
>>> The opinions expressed above are entirely my own <<<

Two men were fighting outside Nasrudin's window at dead of
night. Nasrudin got up, wrapped his only blanket around
himself, and ran outside. As he tried to reason with the
drunks, one snatched his blanket and both ran away.  "What
were they arguing about?" asked his wife when he went
in. "It must have been the blanket. When they got that, the
fight broke up."

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