Gnome causes kernel panics (probably hald)

Marco Beishuizen mbeis at
Fri Jun 6 18:30:23 UTC 2008


Sometimes FreeBSD has a kernel panic, even at night when the computer
is doing nothing. I suspect it's hald that is causing it. Sometimes
FreeBSD panics when booting and starting gdm. And only then I get
information that hald is causing a page fault.

When booting I get:

/etc/rc: WARNING: run_rc_command: cannot run /usr/local/sbin/polkitd
/etc/rc: WARNING: $dbus_enable is not set properly - see rc.conf(5).

And after that tons of messages every 30 seconds like:

gnome-keyring-daemon[1371]: Scheduling hal init retry
gnome-keyring-daemon[1371]: failed to initialize a HAL context: (null)

I start gnome with gnome_enable="YES" in my rc.conf. Problem about hald
is that it just won't start. When I try to start it manually, it just
exits with a "signal 11".

Anyone an idea how to run hald and make FreeBSD stable again?
I'm running FreeBSD 7.0-stable, Gnome-2.22 and hal-0.5.11.

Thanks in advance,

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		-- William Orton

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