Broken Mouse Pointer

Gary Dunn osp at
Mon Dec 8 04:16:10 PST 2008

I just installed Gnome on FreeBSD 7.1 beta and have a problem with my mouse pointer. Most of the time it displays as a translucent rectangle of randomly placed pixels, with the upper-left corner the "hot spot." It moves with the mouse, and sometimes as it passes over a widget it looks normal, but eventually it goes back to a pixel swarm. I have not discovered a clear pattern but it seems as though system widgets like a maximize button or a menu trigger the swarm.

I also see what  I assume is another instance of this problem, only this one does not involve the mouse. After switching to the console with Ctrl-Alt-F1, going back to my X session with Ctrl-Alt-F9 produces a screen of pixel noise garbage for five or ten seconds, then the desktop appears normal.

There are two special features about the build. I installed the gnome2 port with make -DBATCH install clean, and there was a loss of power midway through. When I restarted I got an error about a truncated toolkit.o file under gtkmm, which I got past with a make clean and a make in the associated port directory.

So far I have deinstalled / reinstalled these ports:


Is there a quick fix for this? Do I need to reinstall Gnome? Is pkg_delete gnome2-2.22.3 the best way to get rid of my current installation?

Gary Dunn, Honolulu
osp at
Sent from a Newton 2100 via Mail V

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