gnome-terminal zoom broken in 2.18

Kevin Oberman oberman at
Thu Mar 22 18:06:59 UTC 2007

Since the upgrade to 2.18, zoom seems to be broken in gnome-terminal. In
prior versions, a zoom (or unzoom) was fast and the window would resize
to hold the same number of rows and columns as it had prior to the zoom.

Now I see a LONG pause and then the window redraws with the new font,
but the size is unchanged and the character spacing is messed up. If I
try to manually resize it, it shows the initial size even though it is
actually only displaying part of the area. During the long delay to
redraw the screen, the CPU is not at all busy, so it must be blocking on

I'm guessing this is a vte issue, but I am not sure.

Anyone else see this? Any fix?
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman at			Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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