Just curious

Scott I. Remick scott at sremick.net
Wed Oct 25 17:54:20 UTC 2006

I have it running just fine too. Granted, it takes much manual 
babysitting of portupgrade after the initial massive attempt to get 
through the remaining 10%, but it's been that way the last few Gnome 

My trick is to save the list of failed (not skipped) ports, then go 
through them one by one to resolve whatever the issues are (often they 
just magically work the 2nd attempt at building, or it's a fetch issue, 
or corrupt distfile). Always using the -R switch with portupgrade to 
make sure they're built in the right order. Then I go back and run the 
initial big portupgrade command again but adding parameters to exclude 
any ports built after my first attempt (necessary due to the -f switch, 
otherwise I'd never make any progress!).

Rinse, repeat, and eventually I get the latest Gnome. :)

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