gnome settings daemon crash

Srijak Rijal srijak at
Wed Oct 11 10:14:37 PDT 2006

Whenever I log into GNOME I get an error that says gnome-settings-daemon

system is: FreeBSD olda 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7
04:42:56 UTC 2006     root at

I looked this up and I saw that one person other had a problem like this
before, however it was related to gstream core problems. I dont have any
problems with gstream, just with gnome-settings-daemon.
COnsequences is that I cant see icons/ change themes etcs.
I install 2.16 on a fresh system via portupgrade
PACKAGESITE was set to marcuscom..6.1freebsd..latest

also.. pkg_version | grep "<" shows ..

deskbar-applet                      <
gedit                               <
gnome-applets                       <
gnome-backgrounds                   <
gnome-control-center                <
gnome-media                         <
gnome-session                       <
gnome2                              <
gnomemimedata                       <
gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs          <
libglut                             <
libxklavier                         <
pkgconfig                           <
py24-gnome-desktop                  <
scrollkeeper                        <
sound-juicer                        <
startup-notification                <
totem-gstreamer                     <
xorg-server                         <

It seems suspicious,
so I was wondering if you guys think any of these could have caused
this, and how I could go about updating these packages.
portupgrade doesnt do it.
thanks a lot

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