testers wanted: problem with combining characters

Andriy Gapon avg at icyb.net.ua
Tue Oct 10 08:41:15 PDT 2006

on 10/10/2006 18:33 Hans Nieser said the following:
> It looks ok in Firefox, when I paste it into a GTK+ input box it puts the
> stress on the first character after the first 'reverse R'.
> In gedit it shows a whitespace after the first 'reverse R' and puts the
> stress up there.
> I get this on both my Gentoo and FreeBSD machine running Gnome 2.16.1.


thank you!
But given that the behavior is dependent on font used, could you please
double-check that you indeed have 'Bitstream Vera Sans' set in gedit ?
Could you please also try Arial from webfonts to see if there is any
difference ?

Thank you again.

Andriy Gapon

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