2.10 failed dependency

Chuck Robey chuckr at chuckr.org
Sun Mar 13 20:54:26 PST 2005

> > >
> > > OK, do it once, I will be able to extend the logic.  I meant what I said
> > > about not having a clue, so drop me a clue here.  Here is the first
> > > dependency, explain how to handle it precisely (no buzzwords, if I have to
> > > press "2" say that, not the function that it obtains, 'cause I really
> > > don't understand it).  OK, here's the single example, handle it please:
> > >
> > > =======================================================================
> > > Stale dependency: gnome2-2.8.3_1 -> gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs-0.8.8_1
> > > (devel/gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs):
> > > gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.8.3_2 (score:55%) ? ([y]es/[n]o/[a]ll) [no] New
> > > dependency? (? to help):
> > > =======================================================================
> >
> > Hit enter, then hit 'y' to skip.
> You're telling me the right way to handle them is to skip them?
> OK, sounds odd, but I have little to lose ...

Well, I have done this twice now

First I did `pkgdb -Ff nautilus-media`.  This kicks off about 30 minutes
worth of questions about dependencies, and the only way I know how to
handle them is to hit return, so I did that.  I then go back to the
gnome-upgrade.sh -restart (name of previous log) and IT then asks me about
30 minutes worth of dependency questions, which I also answer by just
hitting return.  It would go faster, but I am not sure about the effect of
hitting many extra returns, so I stop after each one to see if it wants
another one.

then it goes off for about 5 minutes, and tiwce now, it gets to a certain
point in the processing of x11/gnome2, decides it MUST rebuild
multimedia/nautilus-media, and fails on this.

This is after a full src+ports cvsup and cvs -q up -AdP, and I even
grepped for nautilus in multimedia/nautilus-media, no return.

How do I prevent this from being rebuilt?

There seems to be a problem in pkgdb: when I :

pkgdb -aFfv -c nautilus-media | & tee errs

it lists a large listing, and I have attached that here, but it also says:

Stale dependency: nautilus-media-0.8.1_1 -> gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.8.8_1
Skipped. (running in non-interactive mode; specify -i to ask)

(this is one of many, but they akll refer to that -i)

I have tried using the -i any many idfferent combinations, it doesn't seem
to work.  I have read the man page, I can't figure out how to do that I
need to do.  Would it be exceedingly stupid to just delete
/var/db/pkg/nautilus-media-0.8.1_1 ??

I am really sorry to bug you folks, think about how much fun I'm having.

Chuck Robey         | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
chuckr at chuckr.org   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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