Port upgrade: www/firefox. Added GUI selection support

Erich Dollansky oceanare at pacific.net.sg
Wed Jun 15 09:14:45 GMT 2005


Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 03:03:21 -0500, Erich Dollansky  
> <oceanare at pacific.net.sg> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> jannisan at t-online.de wrote:
>>>  So, would you please commit the patch?
>>> (If there are no _real_ reasons against it)
>> Yes, please commit it.
> I disagree, GTK1 is no longer support by GTK developers. It's dead and 
> no  update for years. Therefore, I am in favor of de-support the GTK1 
> and  force apps to use GTK2 if it possibles.
See it from some other point of view.

I live here next to countries where people do not have the cash to keep 
up with the latest hardware. They still use, if at all, things like 
Pentiums just to have a PC at all.

They run it then with some old Windows version. They do not care if it 
is legal or not. They also do not care if there are worms & co. on it.

The main reason agains open source is pretty simple. Take a current 
FreeBSD, X plus its current applications and you will see an unusable 

Giving those people an option running a modern operating system with 
modern applications, but in an old style, gives them at least a chance 
to come in touch with the modern world.

This is why I support this idea as long as everybody gets the most 
current software configuration by default.


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