mozilla & jdk (pkg-message outdated)

Alexey Zelkin phantom at
Fri Jan 14 04:46:53 PST 2005


pkg-message of mozilla and mozilla-devel mentions what java plugin
link was set up, and recomends installing of jdk in order to get
actual shared object installed.

But currently this is not true.  Plugin link is set up in case if
jdk is already installed only, and additionally prefered jdk is 1.4.2 now,
not 1.3.1.

I think pkg-message of these ports need to be fixed and filled with
suggestion to install jdk1[43] port and do something in order to
get correct symlink set up.

Also I think same note need to be added to firefox's pkg-message.

/* Alexey Zelkin             && Independent Contractor      */
/* phantom(at)    && */
/* phantom(at)       &&  */

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