How does GNOME 2.9.x in MarcusCom treats you so far?

Vladimir Grebenschikov vova at
Mon Feb 28 07:57:32 GMT 2005

В вс, 27/02/2005 в 03:34 -0600, Jeremy Messenger пишет:
>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 10:45:09 +0300, Vladimir Grebenschikov <vova at>  

>>> Thanks! Do you like how GNOME 2.8.x's menu works? I can try to give it a
>>> shot to do that same thing for GNOME 2.9.x.
>> Yes, I like 2.8 integration with KDE menus, It is much better.
>I have just committed gnome-menus in MarcusCVS Com.. Only one very small  
>issue is that 'Control Center' add in main menu for some reason, I am not  
>able to beat it. The rest else went in KDE menu perfect.

Thank you, looks fine.

Vladimir B. Grebenchikov
vova at

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