x11/gnomeapplets2 && dependency on /usr/src/sys

Stijn Hoop stijn at win.tue.nl
Mon Nov 29 22:13:37 PST 2004


I just ran into this dependency on my new package build jail. I now see that
it is documented as best as can be, so that is not my complaint.

However, is it not worth a try to convince the ACPI developers to install the
useful headers into /usr/include/dev/acpica as a number of other "device
drivers" seem to do? It's not like ACPI is going to go away anytime soon.

Just a thought while I'm happily further building new GNOME 2.8 packages on my
machine thanks to you :)


I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.  There's a knob
called `brightness', but it doesn't work."
		-- Gallagher
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