pango upgrade breaks audacity and mozilla ports

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Mon Jun 21 10:45:29 PDT 2004

V po, 21. 06. 2004 v 19:43, Ben Crowell píše:

First, please don't crosspost several mailing lists. I think gnome@ is

> I corresponded yesterday with Pav Lucistnik about a problem with the
> pango port (see below). Thanks, Pav, for your suggestion of recompiling
> the affected apps. (I would like to suggest, however, that the erroneous
> error message be changed; the method it suggests for fixing the problem
> doesn't actually work.)
> Unfortunately, recompiling doesn't actually fix the problem in many cases.
> On my system, upgrading pango broke the following ports: pan, audacity,
> and mozilla. Recompiling fixed pan, but did not fix audacity and mozilla.
> Audacity produces the same error message as before recompiling, and all text
> is displayed as dots. Mozilla runs, and prints the usual message
> "No running window found," but then silently dies without creating a window.

Audacity - I bet you have to recompile wxgtk libraries too, because they
are linked to pango directly too:

$ ldd /usr/X11R6/lib/ 
[snip] => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x28b7c000)

Once you done with this, recompile audacity again.

Look around your system for another files linked against libraries in
/usr/local/lib/compat/pkg, especially pango. Use something like

find /usr | xargs -n 1 ldd | grep lib.compat.pkg

For Mozilla, I suspect this problem is unrelated to pango.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

> Why do we need a film of "Lord of the Rings" when we have the book?
Because watching a cg enhanced Legolas fire a flaming arrow
into the heart of a warg is cool?
    - asdf at in
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