firefox 0.9 does not work

Adam McLaurin adam.mclaurin at
Wed Jun 16 15:31:46 PDT 2004

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 00:09:36 +0200
Piotr Smyrak <piotr.smyrak at> wrote:

> > If you make a change like this in a standard gnome application,
> > you need to at least mention it on the gnome@ list or somehow make
> > it a requirement that everyone who monitors gnome@ no has to
> > *also* monitor ports at .
> There is no reason to punch hard working Gnome team. The thingy is
> mentioned and described in the pkg-message file. You should monitor
> your upgrades.

Exactly, and who could miss such an upgrade message?!

After installing Firefox, you must su - to root, and run
``firefox'' before running it as any other user.  If you do not su - to
root, you may lose some of your user settings.  If you try to run
Firefox as a normal user without first running it as root, the browser
will not show up.  This is a known issue with Firefox, and they hope to
address it in a future release. 

What else is the GNOME team supposed to do? Do you want them to call you
at home, send you a personal fax, drop by your house? Come on man, READ
before you go asking questions, and ESPECIALLY before attacking those
who work the hardest to help you out.


"satyam, shivam, sundaram"

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