Evolution 1.4.5 and gethostbyname()

Byron Schlemmer byrons at telkomsa.net
Fri Jan 23 01:58:02 PST 2004

Hi all,

A while back I reported problems sending email through Evolution 1.4.4/5
using the SMTP option with my ISPs SMTP server address. The original
email is this one :


Now, the other day I had to install Linux on a spare box due to hardware
failure on my primary desktop, then I noticed that I could send email
from it using Evolution 1.4.5 and the SMTP option. Odd. I've since fixed
the problem on my main desktop and reinstalled 5.2-RELEASE with GNOME
2.4.2 and Evolution 1.4.5. I tried to send an email now from the newly
installed FreeBSD box, BOOM!, same error, namely :

Error while performing operation:
DATA termination response error: Requested action not taken: mailbox

I then used Ethereal to track down the transaction and compare the differences
between the Linux box and my FreeBSD desktop. It seems for some reason the FreeBSD 
box is setting my hostname to my internal private IP address instead of my machines
name and the Linux box isn't and thats why the Linux box seems to work. Here is a top
of the transaction, first FreeBSD :

byrons at pan:~$ head freebsdstream.txt
220 ctb-mesg2.saix.net ESMTP Postfix
250-SIZE 102400000
MAIL FROM:<byrons at telkomsa.net>

Linux :

byrons at pan:~$ head linuxstream.txt
220 ctb-mesg2.saix.net ESMTP Postfix
EHLO pan.home
250-SIZE 102400000
MAIL FROM:<byrons at telkomsa.net>

As you can see the difference is EHLO, I tried my theory manually telneting to port 25
and trying with EHLO pan.home and then with EHLO and it failed on the IP
address version, for obvious reasons. 

Now the million dollar question, why is FreeBSD sending the IP address and not the
hostname? Yes, I've checked both forward and reverse lookups work and that `hostname`
prints the correct information.

Now, upon searching the web I found :




So it seems other people have had a similar problem, is FreeBSDs gethostbyname()
returning the correct values? If so, why is Evolution setting the wrong hostname
and how do I fix it?



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