Hi , how can i add a new session for gdm2.4 ?

damon damon at damon.ns2go.com
Tue Sep 30 07:03:23 PDT 2003

Hi , I've got gnome 2.4 installed from ports tree , and gdm 2.4 run at startup
without any problem , and everything working well with gdm 2.4
my system is FreeBSD 5.1 current , and i just install kde 3.1.4 with packages
can i add a new session for kde 3.1.4 ?
i've try to add a new file KDE in /usr/X11R6/etc/gdm/Sessions/ and chmod +x KDE
, chown gdm KDE
this file is a pretty simple srcipt
#! /bin/sh
exec /usr/local/bin/startkde
but when i restart gdm , KDE did not appear in the session menu :(
i try to edit the /usr/X11R6/etc/gdm/Xsession this file looks like define
those sessions appear in the session menu , but when i try to edit fail safe
session of this file , i change the xterm - bala bala to exec
/usr/local/bin/startkde then restart gdm , but when i run the fail safe
session from gdm , it's still all the same , nothing change :(
my question is : how can i add a new session for kde 3.1.4 on gdm session menu ?
or where i can find the solution , i've try to search the google.com for this
, but still no good , thank you :)

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