Mozilla port

Michael Wood mwood at
Fri Sep 26 18:06:41 PDT 2003

Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:

>On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 20:13, Michael Wood wrote:
>>I recently installed FreeBSD 4.8 on a 1.13GHz P3 system with a 40GB hard 
>>drive and 512MB of RAM.  One of the first ports I tried to install was 
>>Mozilla since that's the browser/mail program I use on all my computers 
>>-- Windows, Linux, and I would hope, FreeBSD.  But, after running make, 
>>and make install from /usr/ports/www/mozilla, Mozilla will not run.  I'm 
>>not entirely new to FreeBSD; I know I've had Mozilla running on a 
>>FreeBSD system before, but I don't recall if I installed it from the 
>>ports collection or if I downloaded the Linux tarball, and installed it 
>>from that.  Anyhow, I don't know what I'm missing or doing wrong, but 
>>Mozilla will not run.  Any help you can give would be greatly 
>>appreciated.  Thanks.
>Try doing fc-cache -f -v as root.
Hey, cool.  That worked.  Many thanks Joe!

Michael Wood
LAN Administrator
Family Stations, Inc.
Oakland, CA
mwood at

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