gmplayer Broken After Gnome2 Upgrade

Adam McLaurin blueeskimo at
Fri Sep 26 14:28:50 PDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 14:14, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> I've tested the other skins.  All skins work OK except for 'default' and
> 'hayraphon'.  Thus I don't suspect it's an issue with metacity.

I had the same problems with gmplayer after upgrading to 2.4, but I'm
not using metacity. I have 2 boxes, one running fluxbox and the other
running fluxbox-devel. The one running fluxbox had no problems with
gmplayer after the upgrade; the one running fluxbox-devel had exactly
the same problems described earlier.

The only way I was able to fix it was to completely deinstall mplayer*,
removed the shared folder, then remove ~/.mplayer. Once I did all this
and reinstalled, the problem was gone.

Very strange, but at least it fixed the problem.

Adam McLaurin <blueeskimo at>
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