Unable to install gnomeapplets2

Kevin Oberman oberman at es.net
Thu Sep 25 08:19:23 PDT 2003

Good day,

With all of the -pthreads chaos and the gnome 2.4 chaos, I feel guilty
posting my trivial issue, but...

I have updated three systems to Gnome 2.4 and two went fine. The third
is going nowhere because I can't install gnomeapplets2. I followed the
recipe (portupgrade -Rf -m BATCH=yes ORBit2) and several ports failed
due to problems with various ports needing to be manually
updated. Looks like ORBit2 might not catch everything.

I rebuilt several ports and everything would install except
gnomeapplets2.  It builds fine, but the installation fails because
lib-atk-1.0.so.200 is not found. This tells me that something needs to
be re-built to get updated to the new atk library (.400), but I have
no idea what.

I am now trying "portupgrade -Rf -m BATCH=yes atk", but that will take
a long while and I'm getting desperate to get this system back in
operation. Any idea what I need to re-build to get this fixed?

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman at es.net			Phone: +1 510 486-8634

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