Fw: Portupgrade Problem w/New Gnome2 Release

Bob Perry rperry4 at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 23 18:21:05 PDT 2003

> The pkgdb -F step is important.  Just like the docs say, you have to
> answer "yes" to all the prompts.  You may also need to re-run pkgdb -F
> after each step in the upgrade to ensure a consistent package database
> throughout.
> Joe,
> Thanks for the reminder.

Feel like I hit the lottery.  Everything ran last night but, gnome2,
gnomemedia2, gstreamer, gstreamer-plugins, and nautilus-media.

It appears as though only gstreamer failed.  The other posts were skipped.
Does the following have any meaning?
    In function 'pth_mctx_set':
libcothreads_gthreads_la-pth_metx.lo(.text+0x9b): undefined reference to

[cothreads-gthreads] Error 1

Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa /tmp/portupgrade476.0 make

"...not installed
        multimedia/gstreamer (gstreamer-0.6.2)   (linker error)"

I've only included portions of the error message.  I'm still sending my
e-mail through Outlook and FreeBSD is on another computer.


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