gnome-session 2.4 no longer runs $HOME/.gnomerc

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Tue Sep 23 11:22:15 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 14:05, Joe Kelsey wrote:
> Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> > Like I said in my previous email, it looks like you'd need to create a
> > /usr/X11R6/etc/dm/Sessions .desktop file that has an Exec action of
> > customer.  However, in poking through Xsession some more, you should be
> > able to achieve a similar behavior to .gnomerc with ~/.Xclients. 
> > ssh-agent will then be run with:
> Choose "Default Session" from the GDM Sessions menu, and it tries to run 
> ~/.Xclients.  This bit of information completely eluded me.  My 
> .Xclients script consist of
> #!/bin/ksh
> export SHELL=/bin/ksh
> umask 2
> echo inside gnomerc
> cho ssh agent $SSH_AGENT_PID
> if [ -n "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ]
> then if [ -f .ssh/identity ]
>       then ssh-add < /dev/null
>       fi
> fi
> export DOTGNOMERC=1
> export GDK_USE_XFT=1
> exec gnome-session
> Basically, just an exact copy of my old .gnomerc.  I want to rail 
> against the gratituitous changing of "features", but since they never 
> documented the feature to begin with, I guess I cannot complain that 
> much.  It still bugs me how hard the authors made it to trace down all 
> of the interrelated information necessary to make one simple change. 
> Just documenting the location of the dm/Sessions files and suggesting 
> that you might want to copy Default.desktop to Custom.desktop, changing 
> the "Exec=default" to "Exec=custom" or even just making the 
> gnome.desktop provide an Exec string to trigger backward-compatible 
> behavior in Xsession might have helped.

The new GDM does come with documentation (in Yelp), and it does touch on
Sessions a bit.  You might want to check it out.

> I *really*, *really* hate the myriad of interconnected, obscure 
> configuration files that Gnome uses.  It doesn't seem as bad as the 
> myriad of interconnected shell scripts that CDE uses, but at least with 
> CDE you can start from the first script and slowly work you way through 
> all of the interconnected scripts until you find the place you want to 
> customize.
> Did anyone acutally document the *.desktop files somewhere?

They may be documented in general in the GNOME developer docs at  However, the GDM docs do touch on the GDM specific options
in Yelp.


> /Joe
> (Default.desktop give me the behavior I want)
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