Nautilus CD-Burner setup (was Re: portupgrade -rf -m BATCH=yes atk repeatably fails)

Justin Hawkins justin at
Sun Sep 21 17:47:56 PDT 2003

On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 11:07:35AM +0100, Stacey Roberts wrote:
> ======================================================================
> In order to use nautilus-cd-burner, you must make sure your CD devices
> have the correct permissions.  You must also make sure you have:
> device          atapicam
> Configured in your kernel if you are using an ATAPI CD/DVD writer.
> To figure out which CD/DVD drive you will be using, run the following
> command as root:
> camcontrol devlist
> Your output will look similar to the following:
> <CREATIVE CD5233E-N 0.20>          at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (cd0,pass0)
> The devices in parantheses at the end are important.  You must make sure
> the /dev entries for those devices are writable by the users that will
> be using nautilus-cd-burner.  In addition to those devices, /dev/xpt*
> must also be writable to your nautilus-cd-burner users.

Could we get this added to the FAQ? I
found this purely by accident while reading threads here - it seems
nigh on impossible to find out how to setup nautilus cd-burner even
under Linux.

I realise (now) that the above is output from
/usr/ports/sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner/pkg-message, but I've never found
it before, and not many are likely to see it, considering it will
usually be installed as dependency of gnome2, and not implicitly.

        - Justin

Justin Hawkins | justin at

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