HEADS UP: GNOME 2.4.0 merged into the ports tree

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at FreeBSD.org
Thu Sep 18 00:16:03 PDT 2003

Due to popular demand, but more importantly to the fact that 4.9-RELEASE
has been pushed back at least two weeks, GNOME 2.40 has been merged into
the ports tree.  While the FreeBSD GNOME site has not been updated yet,
I urge users to check out http://www.gnome.org/start/2.4/ for a list of
what's new and what's broken.  The only other known issues I'd like to
throw in at this time are:

* Evo 1.4.4 has a problem with attachments under GNOME 2.4.  This will
be fixed in Evo 1.4.5 due out shortly.  It is also scheduled to be
committed before 4.9.

* gstreamer-0.6.3  doesn't play nice with rhythmbox.  It is recommended
you build rhtymbox with the libxine backend for now (note, rhythmbox is
not part of the GNOME Desktop or the Fifth Toe).

To upgrade, I recommend:

portupgrade -rf -m BATCH=yes atk
portupgrade -R -m BATCH=yes gnome2

That will get all shared libraries, too.  As always, you can send email
to gnome at freebsd.org with questions, or hop on IRC, and wander over to
#freebsd-gnome on FreeNode.  Someone there should be able to help you.


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at FreeBSD.org
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome
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