Warning: Galeon 1.3.8 is buggy (unusable?)

Adam McLaurin blueeskimo at gmx.net
Thu Sep 11 20:18:35 PDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 23:02, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> I personal don't think it's JavaScript issue, because the first link 
> doesn't has any of it. The second page, it has very small JavaScript[1] 
> and I don't know how it can cause the GET/POST forms problem, since this 
> only does the refresh job.
> [1] <a href="javascript:window.location=window.location">

You certainly could be right.

You didn't mention whether or not you could reproduce the bug, though.

Adam McLaurin <blueeskimo at gmx.net>
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