Warning: Galeon 1.3.8 is buggy (unusable?)

Adam McLaurin blueeskimo at gmx.net
Thu Sep 11 19:37:58 PDT 2003

Galeon 1.3.8 seems to have some problems with forms on some websites.
The problem doesn't seem to occur on everyone's installation (one of my
boxes is fine, and Marcus's box is fine), but myself and another guy in
#galeon (GIMPnet IRC) are having the exact same problem.

Essentially, when you fill out a form and submit, the data isn't
processed correctly. The processing script ends up with no data at all.
I've reproduced this problem on both POST and GET forms, so it's not
specifically related to method.

Two websites that are known to cause problems for both of us are:

Anyhow, we're both researching the problem now, and will discuss it with
the Galeon team tomorrow morning. We both suspect it's a Javascript
error, but we haven't proven anything definitively yet. 

For now, I'd recommend perhaps holding off on upgrading. If we can prove
this is a problem specifically in Galeon 1.3.8, a fixed version should
follow quickly.

If you DID upgrade to 1.3.8 and find yourself having this problem, you
might have to remove ~/.galeon and downgrade back to 1.3.7. Going back
to 1.3.7 without removing the settings didn't fix the problem for me.
Once I removed the settings, all was fine again (well, as fine as it was
before I started messing with 1.3.8).

If you need further help with this, swing by #freebsd-gnome on FreeNode

Adam McLaurin <blueeskimo at gmx.net>
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