I've played around with gdesklets (patch included for interested parties)

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Sun Sep 7 13:30:17 PDT 2003

On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 14:05:25 +0200, Alexander Leidinger 
<Alexander at Leidinger.net> wrote:

> --Multipart_Sun__7_Sep_2003_14:05:25_+0200_09174200
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 14:05:33 -0500
> Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at cox.net> wrote:
>> What's version of FreeBSD do you have? Here on 5.1-CURRENT, a day before
>> ATAng went in the tree. I am having the problem with the refresh here, I
>> had to do it manual. Your patch works great, but I have to refresh
>> weather, network and others by manual. Strange, the clock is only one 
>> that
>> doesn't has the refresh problem. I can't figure how I can get them fix.
> The __command_thread() doesn't run.
> I've also fixed a little bug (the first 2 interfaces aren't choosable)
> and added some "debug" code to __command_thread().

It's a lot better, I now can see the list of different interfaces, but I 
don't get anything output so had to refresh it manual. Then, I get this..

__command_thread called
not stopped

When, I keep do the refresh often and I get like this..

Unhandled exception in thread started by
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./__init__.py", line 58, in __command_thread
     l = l.replace(":"," ")
   File "/usr/X11R6/share/gnome/gdesklets/sensor/Sensor.py", line 54, in 
     self.update_observer(self.OBS_OUTPUT, output)

Is it bug in Python or what? I have Python 2.3_1 installed.


> Bye,
> Alexander.

bsdforums.org 's moderator, mezz.

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