gimp-devel (1.3): no input devices?

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Sun Sep 7 06:33:28 PDT 2003

V ne, 07. 09. 2003 v 14:07, Lauri J Järvenpää píše:

> I'm sorry to bother, but seems like that Gimp 1.3.19_1,1 doesn't recognize
> my serial Wacom tablet as input device. Tablet is properly configured and
> old, stable Gimp and Filmgimp allow it to be configured and used just fine.
> But unstable development version claims "No input devices". Is this because
> of Gtk2? I tried to inspect Gtk2 Makefile for extended input switch or
> something but couldn't find anything.
> I couldn't find any previous whines about this subject.

Was the tablet supported in old GIMP by the sane plugin? The authors of sane
haven't yet ported this plugin to GIMP2.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
What do we know about love? Love is like a pear. Pear is sweet and have
a specific shape. Try to exactly define the shape of a pear.
  -- Marigold: 50 Years Of Poetry
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