GELI Passphrase changing

icameto icameto icameto at
Tue Jun 26 14:52:30 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

I d like to ask you a question about geli and pasphrase changing.

# dd if=/dev/random of=/root/da1.key  bs=64 count=1

# geli init -s 4096 -K /root/da1.key /dev/da1

# geli attach -k /root/da1.key /dev/da1

How can I change the passphrase for my GELI device? Please give me an
advice. I have not change the old key file . When I enter this command, I
get an error .

# geli setkey -k /etc/geli/da1.key /dev/da1.eli
  geli: Cannot read metadata from /dev/da1.eli: Invalid argument.

Is there anyone can help me ?

Thanks in advance

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