gmirror + ggate

Gustavo A. Baratto gbaratto at
Thu Jan 26 18:49:07 PST 2006

Thanks for the links Ivan...

They answered some of my questions, but mostly they don't really describe 
what I wanna do, because they mostly refer to more than one client mounting 
a gmirrored+ggated device.  I want just one server to mount a gmirrored 
device, exported from two different boxes through ggated.

Being more specific:

- Servers X and Y will be file server. They will have big sized identical 
partitions (for example /dev/da0s1f), that will be exported through ggated, 
and of course not mounted on servers X and Y.

- Server A will ggatec the remote /dev/da0s1f devices from both servers X 
and Y (/dev/ggate0 and /dev/ggate1).
Then, server A will create the mirror with the devices ggate0 and ggate1:
# gmirror label -v -b round-robin data ggate0
# gmirror insert data ggate1
# mount /dev/mirror/data /mnt

Just server A will mount /dev/mirror/data RW (or even RO).

Thanks :)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ivan Voras" <ivoras at>
To: "Gustavo A. Baratto" <gbaratto at>
Cc: <geom at>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: gmirror + ggate

> Gustavo A. Baratto wrote:
>> This maybe a very stipid question, but since the hanbook says "Regardless 
>> of the disk configuration, the important aspect is that information on 
>> one disk or partition is being replicated", I'm wondering if one could 
>> mount two partitions from two different servers, then mirror them...
> This is a FAQ. See:
> (in short: yes, but you can't mount the copy or copies)
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