geom_raid3 vis-a-vis geom_raid5

R. B. Riddick arne_woerner at
Fri Aug 11 21:51:17 UTC 2006


I compared the read and write speed (with raidtest from ports) of geom_raid3
and geom_raid5 and found, that geom_raid5 reads a bit faster (about 22/18), but
geom_raid5 writes much slower (about 9/21).

An about 50% mix of reads and writes results in even worse results: 12/19 (I
mean worse than ((9+22)/2)/19). Btw.: Round-robin mode in geom_raid3 does not
change so much...

I tested with three disks (PIO4) with 10 concurrent processes (raidtest -n 10).

Does somebody know, if I do something wrong in my implementation (a write is
done in 2 phases: 1. read 2. write, which might cause a higher latency for a
single write request, but that should not matter in case of so many requests)?

Caching (geom_cache) seems not to help in the non-degraded case with raidtest
(since the requests are randomly distributed)...


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