GEOM viewer?

Eric Anderson anderson at
Mon Sep 5 17:33:31 PDT 2005

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message <431C6310.4000103 at>, Eric Anderson writes:
>>Rex Roof wrote:
>>>wasn't this question posed on this list a month or two ago?
>>I don't think so - if you can point me to a day or subject, I'll check. 
>> What I did see about a month ago, was someone wanting a visual map of 
>>the GEOM provider/consumer paths, but that's already available, and not 
>>what I'm looking for.  My second post clarifies a bit more what I'd like.
> Get in touch with Søren Strårup who has been working a bit on this
> already:

This looks like a map of how the GEOM's connect up - I'm not looking for 
that.  I want a near real-time display of blocks being written to or 
read from.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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