WARNING: Expected rawoffset 0, found 63 ?

Chris Elsworth chris at shagged.org
Sat Sep 25 06:19:10 PDT 2004

On Sat, Sep 25, 2004 at 01:28:17AM +0100, Chris Elsworth wrote:
> I'm having trouble getting the kernel to mount a mirrored partition as
> root now - I have geom_mirror_load="YES" in loader.conf, but if I
> boot -as
> I can only see da0* and da1* available, no gmirror drives. If I just
> select a daX drive then kldstat, geom_mirror is present in the list.
> Additionally, gmirror list shows nothing until I kldunload it, then
> kldload it again, at which point I see GEOM_MIRROR messages about my
> configured mirror. Did I miss something out of loader.conf ? I can't
> find anything to suggest I need more in there.

I've just tried the root_mount.patch from pjd but it hasn't made any
difference, so I wonder if this is a new problem?

I've tried setting kern.geom.mirror.debug=2 in loader.conf, and the
only messages I get from GEOM_MIRROR are
"Tasting fd0"
"Tasting cd0"
"Tasting da0"
"Tasting da0s1a"
"Tasting da1"
"Tasting da1a"
"Tasting da1c"

It does this for each partition I have configured, but nothing else.
It doesn't seem to recognise the mirror on da1.

Anyone know what's going on here.. ?


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