More geom classes?

Terje Elde terje+geom at
Thu Dec 2 06:04:07 PST 2004

On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 08:28:40PM +0100, Ivan Voras wrote:
> I'm very happy with existing GEOM RAID classes, everything from gconcat 
> to graid3. So happy infact, that I'd very gladly see more of them, for 
> example RAID5, or even something like a variation of current graid3, 
> with huge stripe sizes instead of 512byte blocks :)

One thing that would be funny is GEOM XOR, with the possability of setting up
two (or more) volumes, such that you write random bytes to one drive, and
write the data xored with the random to the other.

Introduce RAID3 or 5 and add an extra disk, and you've for N-1 of M redundancy
in your heavily encrypted volume. ;)


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