port tor-web-browser ?

Jan Beich jbeich at vfemail.net
Sun Aug 3 22:04:11 UTC 2014

Kurt Jaeger <pi at FreeBSD.org> writes:

> https://trillian.chruetertee.ch/svn/freebsd-gecko/trunk/www/linux-tor-browser/
> and want to ask: Are you planing to commit it to the tree ?

Not before linux-c6- infra ports land. TBB directly depends on
glibc-2.11 symbol unlike www/linux-firefox. One could try hacking ELF
sections to force longjmp at GLIBC_2.0 instead (undo FORTIFY_SOURCE).

$ ./start-tor-browser

Launching Tor Browser Bundle for Linux in .
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file Browser/libxul.so:
/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by Browser/libxul.so)
Couldn't load XPCOM.
Tor Browser exited abnormally.  Exit code: 255

$ readelf -s Browser/libxul.so | fgrep 2.11
  1869: 00000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND __longjmp_chk at GLIBC_2.11 (64)


> If not: What's missing, what help do you need to get it committed/finished ?

TBB wasn't designed to be installed as a system package. I've tried to
force it to but ended up with an invariable[1] symlink preventing the
installed package to be used by multiple users. The symlink is supposed
to point to a copy of mutable user data and destroyed together with the
data upon package deinstallation (mimic standalone).

  /usr/local/lib/linux-tor-browser/Data -> /tmp/linux-tor-browser

Besides, there's a related issue where running multiple instances of TBB
still requires manually adjusting port numbers in Tor config and
about:config preferences of TorLauncher and TorButton.

[1] alas, no variant/magic symlinks on FreeBSD yet


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