Fwd: Re: FreeBSD 10-current coredumps Youtube HTML5

Florian Smeets flo at smeets.im
Fri Jun 21 13:33:09 UTC 2013

On 06/21/13 16:21, Miguel Clara wrote:
> On 06/20/13 21:11, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>> On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 21:59:48 +0000 Miguel Clara 
>> <miguelmclara at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm running FreeBSD 10-current because my wireless card is not 
>>> supported in 9.1!
>>> Firefox runs fine in general and I don't have or plan to use 
>>> Flash at all in my system!
>>> I've joined the HTML5 trial on youtube, however everytime I try 
>>> to open Youtube, and just after 2 or 3 secs it crashes...
>>> All I see in /var/log/messages is: kernel: pid 86052 (firefox), 
>>> uid 1001: exited on signal 11
>>> Running from the shell I get "Segmentation fault" before the 
>>> crash...
>>> The first times I was getting an error related to alsa so I've 
>>> rebuild with PulseAudio and now I just see: "Segmentation fault"
>>> I wonder if this is specific to FreeBSD 10, I guess other users 
>>> must be running FF in FreeBSD 9.1 and without Flash!
>>> Thanks!
>> Did you load sem(4) before starting FF?
>> kldload sem
>> Cheers, Michael
> Unloading sem does allow me to open youtube the video starts, but
> after a few seconds I get the same problem... With sem its almost
> instant!
> So I guess in my case loading sem is even worst :|

Can you try "svn co
and build firefox from that directory and try again please. You could
also try firefox-nightly

If you want to quickly try nightly you can use this package
just untar it and run ./firefox/firefox, the package will have no sound

I'm on 10-CURRENT and I can watch hours of HTML5 videos on Youtube
without problems.


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