The magic of ZFS and NFS (2nd try)

Christian Baer christian.baer at
Fri Feb 27 21:56:07 UTC 2015

Martin Simmons wrote:

> According to exports(5), that reduces it to zero:
> The third form has the string ``V4:'' followed by a single absolute path
> name,
> to specify the NFSv4 tree root.  This line does not export any file
> system,
>                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> but simply marks where the root of the server's directory tree is for
> NFSv4
> clients.  The exported file systems for NFSv4 are specified via the other
> lines in the exports file in the same way as for NFSv2 and NFSv3.

I see the part in the manpage you are referring to. The way nfs reacts 
doesn't seem to be that way though. I have changed the contents of 
/etc/exports to

/usr/archive/Shared    -alldirs -network 192.168.100/24

I still cannot mount that share.

The V4: at the beginning of the line did not change anything I could notice. 
If I let the path point to a ZFS file system, I get permission denied, when 
it points to a path on UFS, it works fine.

Die directories in question have the correct owner and group. Is there some 
way that ZFS may have a different setting for this?

Kind regards,

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