EBS snapshot backups from a FreeBSD zfs file system: zpool freeze?

Berend de Boer berend at pobox.com
Mon Jul 8 22:31:54 UTC 2013

>>>>> "Freddie" == Freddie Cash <fjwcash at gmail.com> writes:

    Freddie> Something else to consider is that this may not be a
    Freddie> FreeBSD issue at all, but a filesystem/storage system
    Freddie> issue.  Meaning, if you use ZFS on Linux ... EBS backups
    Freddie> will not work.  Same if you try to use Solaris or Illumos
    Freddie> or any other ZFS-enabled OS that will run in Amazon's
    Freddie> cloud.

And you are exactly right. I can only freeze file systems on Linux
that's support that. For example lvm/xfs support that. Not sure about
ext, last time I tried that (Ubuntu 12.04) it didn't.

I didn't dare to use ZFS on Linux, so didn't check, but given my
experience with ZFS so far I doubt they would have added this. And
they would have, as it is a file system specific thing.

    Freddie> At which point, it would make more sense taking the
    Freddie> discussion upstream to Illumos to find a way to quiesce a
    Freddie> ZFS pool in such a way that EBS backups would work.  Once
    Freddie> that is done, then it can filter downstream to FreeBSD,
    Freddie> Linux, and others.

Great tip. Didn't know exactly if the ZFS implementation in FreeBSD
was forked or not. I see on their home page about submitting patches

I've been on #zfs but not much feedback there. I'll join their mailing
list and ask this question.

Thanks again,

Berend de Boer

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