EBS snapshot backups from a FreeBSD zfs file system: zpool freeze?

Berend de Boer berend at pobox.com
Wed Jul 3 23:56:42 UTC 2013

>>>>> "Jeremy" == Jeremy Chadwick <jdc at koitsu.org> writes:

    Jeremy> As politely as I can: It sounds like you may have spent
    Jeremy> too much time with these types of setups, or believe them
    Jeremy> to be "magical" in some way, in turn forgetting the
    Jeremy> realities of bare metal and instead thinking "everything
    Jeremy> is software".  Bzzt.

Heh. The solution with Amazon is even worse: if things go wrong,
you're screwed. Can't get your disks back. You can't call
anyone. There's no bare metal to touch, and no, they won't let you
into their data centres.

So I'm actually trying to avoid the magic.

The only guarantee I basically have is that if I have made an EBS
snapshot of my disk, I can, one day, restore that, and that this
snapshot is stored in some multi-redundancy (magic!) cloud.

(And obviously you can try to run a mirror in another data centre
using zfs send/recv, yes, will run that too).

If you go with AWS, there are no phone calls to make. Disk gone is
disk gone. So you need to have working backup strategies in place.

All the best,

Berend de Boer

          Awesome Drupal hosting: https://www.xplainhosting.com/

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