EBS snapshot backups from a FreeBSD zfs file system: zpool freeze?

Markus Gebert markus.gebert at hostpoint.ch
Wed Jul 3 08:59:52 UTC 2013

On 03.07.2013, at 09:02, Kevin Day <toasty at dragondata.com> wrote:

> On Jul 3, 2013, at 1:53 AM, Will Andrews <will at firepipe.net> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, July 3, 2013, Kevin Day wrote:
>> The closest thing we can do in FreeBSD is to unmount the filesystem, take the snapshot, and remount. This has the side effect of closing all open files, so it's not really an alternative.
>> The other option is to not freeze the filesystem before taking the snapshot, but again you risk leaving things in an inconsistent state, and/or the last few writes you think you made didn't actually get committed to disk yet. For automated systems that create then clone filesystems for new VMs, this can be a big problem. At best, you're going to get a warning that the filesystem wasn't cleanly unmounted.
>> Actually, sync(2)/sync(8) will do the job on ZFS. It won't stop/pause I/O running in other contexts, but it does guarantee that any commands you ran and completed prior to calling sync will make it to disk in ZFS.
>> This is because sync in ZFS is implemented as a ZIL commit, so transactions that haven't yet made it to disk via the normal syncing context will at least be committed via their ZIL blocks. Which can then be replayed when the pool is imported later, in this case from the EBS snapshots.
>> And since the entire tree from the überblock down in ZFS is COW, you can't get an inconsistent pool simply by doing a virtual disk snapshot, regardless of how that is implemented.
>> --Will.
> Sorry, yes, this is true. We're not using ZFS to clone and provision new VMs, so I was just thinking about UFS here. And ZFS does have a good advantage here that it seems to actually respect sync requests. I think it was here I reported a few months ago that we were seeing UFS+SUJ not actually doing anything when sync(8) was called.
> But for some workloads this still isn't sufficient if you have processes running that could be writing at any time. As an example, we have a database server using ZFS backed storage. Short of shutting down the server, there's no way to guarantee it won't try to write even if we lock all tables, disconnect all clients, etc. mysql has all sorts of things done on timers that occur lazily in the future, including periodic checkpoint writes even if there is no activity.
> I know this is a sort of obscure use case, but Linux and Windows both have this functionality that VMWare will use if present (and the guest tools know about it). Linux goes a step further and ensures that it's not in the middle of writing anything to swap during the quiesce period, too. I don't think this would be terribly difficult to implement, a hook somewhere along the write chain that blocks (or queues up) anything trying to write until the unfreeze comes along, but I'm guessing there are all sorts of deadlock opportunities here.

Indeed sync(8) has the disadvantage that you cannot prevent writes between the syscall and the EBS snapshot, so depending on the application, this can make the resulting EBS snapshot useless.

But taking a zfs snapshot is an atomic operation. Why not use that? For example:

1. snapshot the zfs at the same point in time you'd issue that ioctl on Linux
2. take the EBS snapshot at any time
3. clone the EBS snapshot to the new/other VM
4. zfs import the pool there
5. zfs rollback the filesystem to the snapshot taken in step 1 (or clone it and use that)

Any writes that have been issued between the zfs snapshot and the EBS snapshot are discarded, and like that you get the exact same filesystem data as you would have gotten with ioctl. Also, taking the zfs snapshot should take much less time, because you don't have to wait for the EBS snapshot to complete before you can resume IO on the filesystem. So you don't even depend on EBS snapshots being quick when using the zfs approach, a big advantage in my opinion.


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