AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: ZFS: Corrupted pool metadata after adding vdev to a pool - no opportunity to rescue data from healthy vdevs? Remove a vdev? Rewrite metadata?

Daniel Kalchev daniel at
Tue Sep 18 10:37:56 UTC 2012

On 18.09.12 09:09, Volodymyr Kostyrko wrote:
> From my point of view all hype about moving to 4k sectors is highly 
> irrelevant to ZFS and current products on the market.
> 1. ZFS tends to use big recordsize for storing any data. This means 
> most files on your drives are already stored in 128k sectors. Storing 
> small tails in 512b or 4k sectors shouldn't give big difference.

Truth is, ZFS will write blocks of size from your media sector size up 
to 128K.

The problem is that ZFS writes these records (even 128K) aligned to the 
sector size. So, once you write some data that is under 4k, your pool 
will become misaligned.

There are two problems with the 4k drives:

- many of these drives lie about their sector size. You must instruct 
your software to threat them as 4k sector drives, otherwise the 
performance penalty (mostly for writing) is very significant.

- new drives you buy will inevitably come with 4k sectors (or more) and 
if you need to replace a drive in large zpool you will start having 
abysmal write performance.

> 2. For older drives each drive should be partitioned with respect to 
> 4k sectors. This is what -a option of gpart does: it aligns created 
> partitions to 4k sector bounds. But half a year ago I already found 
> some drives that can auto-shift all disk transactions to optimize read 
> and write performance. Courtesy of Microsoft Windows, OS that does not 
> care about anything not written in license terms, same as the users 
> do, so using this drives would be more straightforward and would not 
> cause decent pain to IT stuff about realigning partitions the way it 
> would just work.

This is only hype. There is no way any disk firmware can shift any 
transactions. All these drives do when you write 512 bytes in any 4k 
sector is read the 4k sector, replace 512 bytes of it and write it back. 
Best you could hope is that sector is already in the disk cache, which 
of course is rare.

The problem is not Windows itself, but the old MBR concept, that first 
partition starts at sector 63.

Today, it is wise to always make sure new zpools are created with ashift=12.


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