UFS and ACLs

Ivan Voras ivoras at freebsd.org
Sun Sep 2 21:26:06 UTC 2012


Can someone give an estimated / expected answer on these questions:

* What is the performance impact (if any) for file systems mounted with
either of the ACL options: acls, nfsv4acls, in the situation where most
of the files do not have (and do not need) any ACLs?

* Will the kernel automagically add ACLs (other than the regular Unix
DAC bits) to new files on file systems mounted with acls/nfsv4acls?

* The "regular" DAC bits have some nice propagation rules, e.g. new
files created by a user belonging to a group which owns the directory
have the GID of this group. Does this work with ACLs?

* Which is the easier option to use/maintain, POSIX or NFSv4 ACLs?

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