kern/171415: [zfs] zfs recv fails with " cannot receive incremental stream: invalid backup stream"

Martin Birgmeier Martin.Birgmeier at
Wed Oct 17 21:51:02 UTC 2012

One more test with the goal of determining whether iscontrol or istgt is
the culprit...

The test setup is altered as follows: In addition to the 6 partitions
which are being used for the zpool on v903, also v903's OS partition
(GPT, holding /, /usr, and swap) is being exported from hal via istgt
(i.e., as iSCSI targets). Then v903 is started as a VirtualBox client on
a Windows 7 host, where the (now 7) partitions are included via
VirtualBox's iSCSI facility
( as ada0 and

This setup results in a flawless zfs receive of the sent stream, again
checked via md5 of all files. In addition the number (but not md5) of
files in all snapshot directories (.zfs/snapshot/*) were checked.

This is a strong indication that indeed iscontrol is problematic.



p.s. Some observations using this setup: It is a lot faster than running
v903 in a VirtualBox client on hal. I had to do a disk check of v903
because it had crashed, and checking the UFS file systems / and /usr was
in fact blazingly fast, much faster than when its containing partition
was directly connected in hal as VirtualBox host. Also, the subsequent
zfs import test ran with a sustained rate of approximately 23  MB/s,
whereas with v903 on hal as host it ran with only 15 MB/s (see my
previous test), a speed increase of 50%. One should note that in the
setup of this test, there is a 1 Gbps Ethernet between hal as the server
and the Windows host, whereas otherwise v903 runs directly on hal, which
at least in theory should result in much quicker I/O.

So it seems that not only iscontrol needs fixing, but VirtualBox on
FreeBSD hosts could use some optimization.

But then, FreeBSD is the work of volunteers, and at this point of my
tests is certainly the time to thank them for all the great
possibilities this system offers!

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