ZFS (Solaris 11 source 'leaked')

Rainer Duffner rainer at ultra-secure.de
Tue Jan 3 01:55:03 UTC 2012

Am 03.01.2012 um 02:03 schrieb grarpamp:

> Some recent news of interest to the ZFS and open source crowd.
> Has Oracle confirmed this yet?

I'm sorry - but are you joking?
Oracle didn't even confirm the "no more Solaris-source" leaked memo.
And that was just a piece of (virtual) paper.

I haven't downloaded it (I'm not a developer, it's useless to me anyway) but I suspect that what applies to other leaked sources (remember the NT4+W2K leak a couple of years ago?) also applies to this one: stay away from it, if you want to be in a position to commit code to *anything*. Ever.

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