hastd Failover with ucarp

Christian Vogt christian.vogt at haw-hamburg.de
Mon Feb 21 16:05:43 UTC 2011


Thanks for the great work, I like this straight-forward FreeBSD a lot from what I experienced untill now. I used the HAST How-To from http://wiki.freebsd.org/HAST and it works perfectly if I use "pkill -USR2 -f 'ucarp -B'" to initiate the failover. The secondary node becomes primary and the carp-interface is switched over to it. 

But if I do a hard shutdown of the primary node it doesn't work, the secondary node doesn't get primary. The ucarp-up script on the secondary node is executed, but it fails because of the still running secondary worker process  (Secondary process for resource test is still running after 30 seconds). Is the secondary process expected to end automatically, when the primary process fails?

Thanks for your help


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