Should gmirrored gjournal provider have auto-synchronization?

Carl k0802647 at
Thu Oct 7 06:35:51 UTC 2010

Suppose I've used a pair of drives laid out with GPT partitions to 
create a mirror. Actually, this situation requires that individual 
partitions be mirrored instead of the whole drive. Then suppose one of 
these partitions is to be gjournaled, but with separate data and journal 
providers. The separate journal provider will be in another partition.

I believe I should gmirror the journal provider partition just as I did 
the data provider partition. Correct me if this is wrong.

Then, should I be enabling or disabling auto-synchronization for the 
mirrored journal provider partition? It is clear to me that it should be 
disabled for the mirrored data provider partition because the journaling 
will ensure data consistency, but is the content of the journal provider 
itself guaranteed consistent under all circumstances?

Carl                                             / K0802647

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