HAST: split-brain -- how to force one side to become primary?

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at FreeBSD.org
Thu Mar 4 21:05:19 UTC 2010

On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 04:31:40PM -0800, Freddie Cash wrote:
> According to the wiki, when a split-brain situation arises, I should be able
> to stop hastd on one side, write changes to the /dev/hast/* providers on the
> primary to increment the localcnt valye, and then bring up the secondary
> hastd.  The locacnt/remotecnt values will be different, and everything will
> start to re-sync.
> However, this doesn't seem to work.  Or, maybe I'm not doing things right to
> make it work.  Or maybe I've completely misunderstood how it all works.
>  (Nah, that can never happen.  roll-eyes)  :)

On split-brain, when you decide that you don't need data on one of the
nodes you simply do the following on this node:

	# hastctl role init <resource>
	# hastctl create <resource>
	# hastctl role secondary <resource>

Pawel Jakub Dawidek                       http://www.wheelsystems.com
pjd at FreeBSD.org                           http://www.FreeBSD.org
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!
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