kern.geom.debugflags=16 does NOT allow me to write to device

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at
Thu Apr 22 21:57:05 UTC 2010

> (I could pop it out of geom/zfs temporarily and hope the other disk
> doesn't go. But as a matter of principle I don't want to go that
> route...)

Well, for now I went with that option anyway (zpool offline, gmirror
remove, glabel stop, then disklabel, then zpool online etc).

It would be interesting to hear though if there is a technical reason
why the foot shooting flag does not apply to non-rank providers. If
I'm missing something please enlighten me, but the particular use case
of writing a boot strap on a slice is presumably not very unusual at
all so I think it is something that ought to be possible to do.

/ Peter Schuller

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